Friday, August 12, 2011
Heyyy girlzz i need some help .. i want to know how to be fashionable and i want mre about fashion?
You're very very pretty and I love your curly hair. Practice by wearing anthing you feel comfortable with. As long as it matches, it doesnt matter what color. Even makeup, its always trial and error, but whatever you do, dont go over the top, because it wont look good and will draw unwanted attention.
Does a Holstein Angus cross cow make a good meat cow?
I know that Holsteins are milk cows, but when crossed with an angus, would the beef still be a good quality?
What is a good meal to make without an oven.?
Check out this recipe site. You can look and type the ingrediants that you have and it will show you what recipes you can make.
Y myparrnenets always have to crrites me?
I like efatere an the like SHIPS AHOY! ANd i lk efuccccllkkk in ell man you know hahah. zSO whay they do this to mre i ponly lik`1223 years olld.
World of Warcraft advice?
I say go with the Tauren Shaman, as that way you will be able to learn a little about healing while you're starting out, which can be very helpful later on.
Why is this girl so rude to me?
I sit beside a girl in class and i dont kno why she acts like this. She talks to her friends infront of me on another side of the class. She used me as an example once and was like imagine him driving while talking to her friend. I was in her way while she was talking to her friend and she was like move cant u see where talking. She sometimes talks to me. Also she helps me alot like does me favours and is nice to me and she smiles while talking to me. �Ill catch her looking in my direction and she quickly glanced away. When we left class i caught her looking back at mre. However one day she was mad cus i was gona copy her work and she moved away and said now you have to do it yourself but the next day she was talking to me. My plan is to bully her and make her life hell cus she deserves it or she"ll just keep hurting othr ppl
Is it ok to cook raw bacon mixed in with other meats on the stove?
That will be absolutely fine, you have sealed the bacon first so it was already part cooked before you put the beef in. It sounds absolutely delicious. Enjoy it!
How many calories in a slice of shaved ham?
It's best to check the package that the ham came from as that is the only real proof of serving size and calorie count. Recipes and thickness of shavings vary, and thus the calorie count and serving sizes may differ.
The guy I like is coming over tomorrow, what should I wear?
He's really sweet and I've known him forever, and we're pretty good friends, but I'm hoping he likes me as mre than that. He's coming over tomorrow and we're gonna bake brownies and watch a movie (still to be decided, but probably some kind of romantic comedy like Easy A). I wanna wear something cute, but functionable since we're making brownies. It obviously can't be too dressy, and It needs to be semi-comfortable.... Ideas? pictures would be great!
Dodge cummings drivetrain issue?
Ok well my friend has a Dodge cummings diesle truck I'd say like mid 90's not the old style but not the new style. The style that had all the tranny issues. Here is my question he's got a bunch of upgrades to the truck it makes I believe 600hp and like 900lbs of tourqe. He runs a 3:55 gear in it and I would think that this gear is not right..shouldnt it be no less then 3:73's? He has gone through a bunch of tranny rebuilds and just yesterday blew his rear end. What is casuing his problems? I think he's making to much tourqe for the drivetrain to handle and when you make that much tourqe you can exspect to break **** all the time...unless you go aftermarket and beef the **** out of it.
If canibus were to ever sign a major record deal again what label could you see him sign to?
I for one would love for Canibus to drop his stupid beef with Eminem and sign to either Aftermath or Shady maybe even immortal techniques label considering bis talks about aliens and technique talks about politics and government.Who could you see him signed too?
Why do Americans seem to hate Russians?
From my understanding America refused to help Russia with war damages and of course that made Russia mad- thus the cold war. So it's just us holding grudges for something that happened 60-70 years ago. And it is kind of stereo typical, I have nothing against Russians.
If beef mince turns brown is it safe to eat?
if it's before the sell by date it should be fine, but if i was you, i'd make sure it was cooked thoroughly before you eat it.
What is better destruction or affliction warlock for pve please help?
From looking at some charts online (forget where though), affliction is the better of the three classes for dps, except for trash as my dad can attest to since they die too fast for his dots to get on.
What is that salem witch movie?
ok so the movie had to have been made in the 2000's, it was about a cult of witches that avoided the salem witch trials and now there children are still living and they still have the powers but then one girl comes into the prep school and she doesn't have the power but the main good warlock is in love with her. Then she gets kidnapped by the bad warlock that wants to take over and there's a big brawl in an abandoned shed. Help please! I tried looking on IMDB but it doesn't help and neither does Netflix :( Thanks!
If pok�mon were real, which would be used for...?
Beef, chicken, other foods (including catfish, shrimp, lobster, etc.) and everything that their human-world equivalents are used for?
I am a vampire but i'm scared of my parents finding out?
Like the story, btw. If you were really a vampire, you would be unable to read this or even comprehend this. Vampires are soulless creatures, they are truly abominations. They cannot think for themselves. Without a soul, vampires are the height of predatory creatures, yes, but their greatest strength is also their greatest weakness.
Refinancing..should I choose fixed or 7/1 adjustable?
I'm hoping to save enough money to build a new home in about 6 years, but you never know how things could go...our current house could possibly not sell..we may need more time to save enough money etc. We are refinancing and I could get a 3.875 7/1 or a 4.5 fixed. Wondering if I should go with 4.5 in case we end up at our current home longer than 7 years. I don't think it would be a good idea for us to refi again in 7 years as we don't want to stay with our current home very long and also rates could be very high at that time and we don't want our rate to adjust too high. At the same time, if we are able to sell our current home and build our new within 7 years it would be so much better for us to choose the 3.875..mre savings and more paid toward current principal. Not sure which to choose. Opinions please???
Useful for a med school resume?
I have done Brazilian Jiu JItsu for about 3 years and have won many tournaments along with a little boxing. What i was wondering would putting this beef up my Med school resume? like would it show commitment?
So i just got my lip pierced?
and over 3 days it has swelled up alot. ice take ibprofen, and iced it several times or maybe quite mre. it has zero pain, and to all that will state this, yes i can still feel my face lol. but theres no pain and its just swollen, and the back the flat is digging into my lip, and i think tht could be causeing some of the swelling aswell, but do to the swelling it pulling the small round stud into the gront of my lip making a grater, the swelling is not, pink, purple or red, it honestly no tht noticable til you get close to me and realize "oh hai one side of your lip is bigger" any suggestions? im at camp so i cant go to a piercing shop right atm, but i will asap, i've been cleaning it all the ways they told me too, even at camp.
Juveinial hall? They wnt me 2 put mre dwn?
I waz wondering if I goto juvy if there r grls n boyz in the same building or cells n whatevr. (I'm a boy)
How do you make ragu napoli (i think that was the name)?
I saw an episode of a tv Program called two greedy Italians for a ragu napoli but didn't get all of the ingredients or cooking method . they put in lamb beef and italian sausage as well as basil onion and 3 tins of tomato's and wine can anyone help me out with cooking times and maybe even variations on the ingredients
Pros and cons of wow classes?
I'm looking to start playing wow and I think I've narrowed down my choice for my first character to Druid, hunter or warlock. I was wondering if you could give me a pros and cons of each race?
What is this movie called?
it wuz like 4 years ago and it started with doves coming out of the trunk of a car and this girl filming it. its about these people who go to a camp or school or something to b magicians an theres a guy whos a warlock and this evil mentor who gives him this red or purple ring to try to kill him... it wus a disney film and stars one of the girls in the band ally and aj
HELP What you think this would be a great comeback?
um yes deffinatly starting major drama. but, go ahead if you want to. however, do you really want to stoop down to her level?
What is Chris Wallace's beef with Jon Stewart?
Stewart isn't exactly a bastion of fairness and unbiased opinion. Stewart also makes a living falsely demonizing Fox and I can imagine that would piss off a lot of people that work for Fox,
Should I be concerned about continued weight loss?
you need tp consult a psychitrist, you are not mentally healthy and if you keep worrying yourself to dealth it will cause you sersious medical conditions in the future. 20 pounds doesn't sound like alot now but if you keep going it can easily become unhealthy and I didn't hear much veggietables and friuts in your diet. you do have an axiety disorder but its treatable. please get help it helped me
What are cnc inserts?
what are the types and grades of Inserts or carbide tips used in Computer Numeric Control (CNC) machines? Specially the inserts used in metal working not wood or plasic. I know CNMG, DNMG, VVNMG, SNMG, but wanna know mre about there grades and styles. like what is a chip breaker and all. im willing to pay some money too for a personal guidance online or in person over the yahoo msngr. u may email me at mr.tandon at gmail - dot - com.
How to not get bored leveling in World of Warcraft?
In WoW, the highest level I've ever got to is 76, because I get bored of leveling very easily. Basically, this is how it goes... I'm questing on my warlock, and see a warrior demolish a boss for a quest that I can't kill, then I want a warrior, so I make one. Then, I see level 85 paladins dueling, and it looks so fun, so I want a paladin. This repeats over and over and over... Anyone have some tips on how to not get bored leveling? Thanks in advance!
Girlss Fashion Help Plzz?
Consider spending less time worrying about clothes and more time worrying about spelling and grammar. It is difficult to take you seriously when you can't even spell you properly.
How does an MRE taste? Do they give you spoons/condiments?
It really depends on which one you get and what types of meals you like, but today's MREs really aren't that bad. There will be a main meal, a side dish, and a dessert. "Dessert" can be pound cake (which I like), or even skittles or starburst. Main meals I like are the little hot dogs or chli mac. You'll get plasticware to eat it with. You'll also get a little pouch that has condiments. Usually contains a wetnap, salt/pepper, little bottle of tobasco sauce, packet of instant coffee, and creamer for the coffee. Also will get a pouch of drink mix which is kind of like a serving of kool-aid powder. They've come a long way and don't taste bad at all.
Aika online pran question?
hey just started my second character and i was doing the pran quest, but after the one where you have to get the pungent cheese, lilac oil, and grade a meat, it just stopped giving me quests. i cant get my pran, the person wont give me more pran quests and and i havent gotten a plot quest since. is a pran absolutely necessary to do plot quests? is there a fix to the problem im having? (im a lvl 10 warlock atm.)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I have pain under my jaw, the right side of my neck?
i know i have a hole in my tooth at the very back, because i went to my dentist and i need to go back for fillings. so maybe this could be causing it? tho my tooth isnt hurting yet. but i have a very sore area just under my jaw on the right side of my neck, it isnt swollen but hurts to touch. its been like ths since my dentist appointment last week. im woried incase it isnt to do with my teeth and something mre serious. anyone any idea on what is wrong?
Sukiyaki beef cut.............?
I bought a pack of sukiyaki beef from the supermarket, I'd like to know if anyone knows what cut of beef it's from so I can find out more about it's nutritional info.
Do soldiers eat mre's every day? And other questions related to soldier's diets?
Just wondering, do soldiers really eat MRE's for every meal when they're off base? How long does the Army/Marines/Navy/etc. allow soldiers to continually eat them? When on base, are meals freshly made or as close to it? Or are they serving MRE type food in different quantities?
Should i buy a used Ibanez guitar or a used B.C Rich?
Ive been playing guitar for about 5 years and im at an advanced level. I have the option of getting an ibanez Gio 6 string O.B.O with locking bolts, or a B.C Rich Warlock, both are used guitars. Which one would be good for an advanced level guitarist? I really need the farthest thing from a beginers guitar, for example a squire strat. The squire strat is my old guitar and it is really crappy now that ive gotten alot better. So should i go with an ibanez, or the B.C Rich? Also, im really into music like Korn and Slipknot, so could it play music like that? It would need to tune to drop A aswell. I apologize for making the details so long but this is important to me. All advice is apreceated.
Can someone help me slim down my spellcaster deck and possibly make it better?
I'd recommend taking out your Reckless Greed, IMHO (in my honest opinion) it's a worthless card. You could maybe take out Creature Swap, or maybe even the Resonators. They don't seem to good.
Really need to vent can any one relate ttc?
Well its day 6 of late af, i woke up this morning to burning nipples sorry if tmi... Mre my husband and i made love lst night, and he commented tht i ws extra wet... I have been feeling this extra wet sensation for about a week now...still bfns on day 3 and 4 of missed period... I dnt wnt to think ive had a normal 28 day cycle for the lst 6+ anyone else having this problem or have wht ws the dust to all
What would you do if doro pesch from warlock came to your house?
Ask her if she would sing some songs for me from warlock and her solo career, especially Herzblut from the last album, I love that song!
How do you order fast food?
I want to go to taco bell and order their Nacho BellGrande (originally with beans, beef, cheese, tomatoes, and sour cream) with only extra beef and extra cheese. How should I order that? I don't want them to think I want beans, extra beef, extra cheese, tomatoes, and sour cream, I just want only extra beef and extra cheese. My Taco Bell does mess up a lot, so I want to know what you think the clearest way of ordering that would be. Thanks, LOL.
Why is this girl so rude to me?
I sit beside a girl in class and i dont kno why she acts like this. She talks to her friends infront of me on another side of the class. She used me as an example once and was like imagine him driving while talking to her friend. I was in her way while she was talking to her friend and she was like move cant u see where talking. She sometimes talks to me. Also she helps me alot like does me favours and is nice to me and she smiles while talking to me. �Ill catch her looking in my direction and she quickly glanced away. When we left class i caught her looking back at mre. However one day she was mad cus i was gona copy her work and she moved away and said now you have to do it yourself but the next day she was talking to me.
Hello, i ve been txtn to a girl far frm my place....since i ve been txtn for around six mnths i ve strtd likin?
I think she is far mre prettier than i am....u gt it....:(so i dnt think she wud lyk to hangout wit a guy lyk me.....
World Of Warcraft, Leveling a healing Priest?
Me and two friends started playing WoW. One is a Paladin (Protection), the other is a Warlock (Affliction). I'm leveling a priest and am the designated healer. Which spec, Discipline or Holy, is better for leveling? We will mostly be doing dungeons but also some battlegrounds.
Spiritually speaking can you come up with the ultimate joke?
one that incorporates charlie sheen and warlocks, the rapture and bin laden getting shot in the eye in one joke
When you're really full, do u feel like vomiting when you think of food or smell food?
I was at a buffet today on the ferry and I pigged out! Ate some Indian butter chicken, ravioli with cream parmesan tomato sauce, roast beef, bread and cheese, and chocolate cheesecake. Right now, I literally feel like vomiting when I think of food. The movements of the ferry didn't help with my upset stomach.
Why do people eat at Mc'Donalds?
It is disgusting, they claim that their beef is 100%, which is'nt true, most of the beef is usually cow lips or scraped up organs, Mc'Donald's owns there own tape worm farm! That is disgusting. They have horrible customer service, their french fries are really salty, Its 5 bucks for only 20 Mc'Nuggets!!! That is a horrible price. I can go to the store and get a bag of frozen chicken nuggets for 5 bucks, a much better deal, plus you cook them at your own home, home baked fresh. And everything on their menu has sugar in It (even the salads). My point is to get all these facts out to you people, Mc'Donalds does horrible things to their food, don't eat their! And please leave an answer, what do you think about Mc'Donalds and did you know any of those things I just told you?
Have you blown up your cappuccino in the microwave?
In an MRE you can get a really yummy cappuccino its french vanilla and good. Anyhow I put it the microwave and it blew up. So now I have 1/4th of my cappuccino and its my favorite flavor
Best leveling talent build for warlock in WOW?
Destro has traditionally been more of a raiding spec. It doesn't provide much survivability. Demonology or Affliction would be better, with Demonology providing the most in terms of survivability, which is what you need most when leveling.
Do I have Bipolar Disorder?
First of all, only a trained professional, such as a general doctor, pysychologist, or psychiatrist can give you a definite diagnosis. If I remember correctly from my abnormal psychology class, one parent having a mental illness gives you a 25% chance of deloping one as well. From what you wrote, it sounds as if you may have depression. But there is more than the chemical imbalance depression. A lot of times, it is situational depression. And your parents could be right; going through puberty will really totally mess with your hormones. But as I said before, only a trained professional can give you a definite diagnosis. My roommate has been diagnosed with bipolar. And her moods are so crazy that its hard to talk to her about something. I never know if she will flow with the conversation or take it offensively and snap for no reason. She is also bad about going on shopping sprees with bill money. If you go to the website in my references, there is several different psychological tests; there is even one for bipolar. Maybe it can be more helpful/resourceful. Good luck.
Is the Super-Volcano below Yellowstone National Park, overdue for an eruption?
"overdue" is a human concept because we like to categorize, count, calculate, enumerate and predict. The earth very simply works on its own time scale and that has nothing at all to do with what humans think about it. As Punk Rock says - it will happen when it is ready to happen.
What do you eat when your deployed?
When you're deployed....How many meals do you eat and what kind of food do you usually get in those mre's....Is it the same stuff every day?
10 points for most honest answer: What do you think of this story?
I personally love stories like this. This is a phenomonal start to a book. I like the suspense you've added at the end about the murder. You also use amazing vocabulary. One thing you could do better is where you separate the paragraphs... it makes stories a lot easier to comprehend. Otherwise it is fantastic!
Best race for a warlock PVP wise (Horde Only)?
Undead, Not only can you get out of fears and sleeps and charms but you also can eat people healing yourself in for Example: Arena bgs or just after ganking someone to be an @$$. On top of all that best looking in my opinion. Casting animations are nice too.
Does he like me mre dan frend?
I have dis guud frenmd of mine. We go to the same school and ride the same bus home from school as well. And wel we both are big flirts with each othr especially on bus lol. On bus he lets me lay on his lap, tickles me, puts his arm around my waist or sometimes around my shoulder. Iono i think im fallin for him but dont dare say anything. And hes alwyas on bus before me in aftrnoon n saves me seat next to him. People have asked if we like each other n sumtimes ask if we go out. Plus sumtimes he shres his gum wth me ( da gum dat he has n his mouth) do u think he has feelins fr me??? Or starting to get feelings just like i am???could this end up into a relationship?
What should l do about myself?
l had alot of Friends around me l was like a star in my class everyone wanted to became my best friend .well you see that isn't it l had about 12 friends and l love them all but l made only one to became my best friend we were so close together because we were so close problems keep happing roumers in my school that made my best to tell me l hate you infront of everyone l was sad and couldnt go to the school the other day well you see l had another friend and she told she hate me and l had lot mre but all of them keep on telling me l hate you when ever l make a new freind this happen l m sick in each year making a new best freind we be toagther for a while them she just sayes to me it was your fault or l hate u or if l didnt beame your freind it would beame better .what shall l do is it a problem with me that everytime l make freind she just hate me tell what to do about self or is it a problem about what l say to them what can l do ?
Eating more, taking vitamins, will my hair grow back?
i was on a diet and realized that i took it a bit too far. i went from 132 pounds to 107 in 4 months. i have been losing hair. so if i gradually eeat mre (not over indulge) and take my daily teen gummy multi vitamin, how long will it take for my hir to grow back?
Why is this girl so rude to me?
I sit beside a girl in class and i dont kno why she acts like this. She talks to her friends infront of me on another side of the class. She used me as an example once and was like imagine him driving while talking to her friend. I was in her way while she was talking to her friend and she was like move cant u see where talking. She sometimes talks to me. Also she helps me alot like does me favours and is nice to me and she smiles while talking to me. �Ill catch her looking in my direction and she quickly glanced away. When we left class i caught her looking back at mre. However one day she was mad cus i was gona copy her work and she moved away and said now you have to do it yourself but the next day she was talking to me. My plan is to bully her and make her life hell cus she deserves it...
Do you gamble in the beef stock market when the steaks are high?
Are you the type that brisket all? Or do you let the stock simmer and play it safe and buy up big when it is lean so you can make a killing later and be on the gravy train for life?
Which one for a hunting buddy? Rachel Ray or Kim Kardashian?
I don't see where a two man tent would work with Kim. You would probably have to have a 10 man minimum size tent and still wind up sleeping on suit cases. You might even come home with a disease to share with momma.
What are some good meals for lunch (and possibly breakfast) for a week of backpacking?
I'll be spending a week in Escalante backpacking and am pretty much a novice. I know you can put some rice or something in a freezer bag and add boiling water, but I'm looking for some specifics (i.e. how many of what stuff) and any recipes out there. Also, if you have any sources with other stuff. Since I'll be carrying it the whole way for five days, I'm looking for light to carry and easy to prepare (sort or an MRE style thing). I need them mostly for lunch, but if you do have any ideas for breakfast beyond the oatmeal I'm planning, that would be great, too.
QUESTNET SAGA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?
Is this a good spellcaster/dragon Yu-Gi-Oh deck?
It's good but too many high level monsters... try focusing on one theme either spellcaster or dragons.
Where can you get a military MRE in Fairfax, VA?
Hi, i keep on seeing videos on people eating Military MREs and ive always wanted to try one. I just dont know where to get one. I live in Fairfax, Va. Please tell me where they give or sell them
IsMilk good for rottweiler?
Is it advisable to give milk to rotts....I ask this coz I have a friend who owns a beautiful rottweiler he said me once that this particular breed is mre harmed by milk as its gut dsnt accepts it I dnt know what he means by that so plz help me on this one
Can i eat normally and still get results with P90X?
I have an average body type and i've decided to do P90X to get in shape over the summer. I eat like a normal teenager, occasional Chickfila here and there, Outback with the family getting me a nice ol' steak and maybe a cookie or two when my sister bakes. Most the time i eat whatever my mom cooks which is like stir fry beef, spaghetti, potatoes and baked chicken, etc. I also drink sodas, but of course I can cut that down to mostly water. Can I get results with P90X with my current diet? I'm not looking to get to bodybuilder status, just get a little more healthier and add some muscle before go to college (currently a senior in HS).
Girlss Fashion Help Plzz?
Consider spending less time worrying about clothes and more time worrying about spelling and grammar. It is difficult to take you seriously when you can't even spell you properly.
Is tere a shop in Dublin tat sells Abercrombie ?
I was in Amercia 3months ago but my birthday is in 2 months so i wouldnt mind gettn some mre stuff :P Im just in love with it :P i no the fake abercrombie straight away
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
How do I cook a 20 pound beef roast?
I need to cook a 20lb top round for a wedding and I'm not sure how I should cook it. I need to know how long to cook it
Baby names with the last name lack?
i need boys names.. i have plenty of girls names like taylor alexis, aubrey skye, maddison lona,jayden alexis....but i'm open to mre ideas..but really need boys far i've though about cayden darrel, but i need more than that lol
Random cool christmas presents?
Okay so im getting my friend who likes well..random stuff a book called zombie survival guide and putting some survival guide stuff in a box with it like a movie zombie land and beef jerkey and a mini knife and stuff like that. I have 4 other friends who need gifts like this sooo any other random gifts?
Cookbook about the uses of herbs and spices?
whats the title of the cookbook that explains the perfect herbs and spices to be used for beef, lamb, pork, chicken, fish, shellfish, vegetables, etc.?
Where can i buy an australian army ration pack or MRE?
i can get american mres on ebay australia but not aussie ones which is kinda mixed up.. anyway im really curious about aussie rat packs n id really appreciate it if ud lemme know where i can get them...thanks
Is tere a shop in Dublin tat sells Abercrombie ?
I was in Amercia 3months ago but my birthday is in 2 months so i wouldnt mind gettn some mre stuff :P Im just in love with it :P i no the fake abercrombie straight away
Therz a grl i proposed her 1.5 yrs back then she acepet but now she dosnt wnt even frnd shp what should i do ?
When i proposed her she acepted me. Then our relation shp went gud 4 abt 2 months. But then her dad came 2 know abt us nyhow her dad slaped her. Then she ws quite shy. She wanted som tym to settle down evry thng at her home. She nvr told me. Just told me dat she wanna brk up. But i didnt undrstood. I just forced he her to b back in relationshp. Then she did so. But nvr paid attention over me. I got angry. She didnt even use 2 contact me 4 abt 15 days or mre. Then v had a brk up. Then after few months v had frnd shp. Then she stoped talking. Nd now didnt even want frn ship. What should i do. If she dosnt want to b in relation then plz tel me somthing so that she can just b a friend of mine.. Plz help me out.
Can't decide between two BC Rich Guitars?
Don't not go for B.C Rich, they are cheap guitars. Dean are better, Jackson and Ibanez i'd highly recommend but don't go for the Floyd Rose bridge if it's going to be your first metal Guitar. Although Esp are good but a tad overpriced, it's all about your budget, But my finals words are to not go with B.C rich guitars, They're what i call ''poser guitars''.
Should i ask him to hang out?
okay so there is this guy at my school i only talked to him over facebook and recently txting him. i gave him my number like 2 weeks ago. does it mean he likes me now, 2 weeks later, he starts txting me. well he says txting is not his thing and trust me it aint cause if i dont ask him something he can actually reply to he wont. so i asked him what he does for fun and he said rides fourwheelers and i told him i love to ride fourwheelers, basicly inviting myself. then i asked him what made him wanna txt me and he said he dunno just thought he would. i said okay that works and then no freaking response. it sucks cause i caint wait for him to txt me back but it takes him so stinking long and that is if he ever so i was gonna ask him to hang out but im not sure i said so are you mre social in person and her never wrote back. should i ask him again tomorrow or come up with another excuse to hang out?
Random bruises appearing?
i have noticed more bruises on my legs then normal ive always thought i bruised easily but out of the blue one day i noticed a huge bruise on the back of my leg along with a tiny one above it and i know i didnt run into anything to cause that, a couple days later i notice to mre bruises but on th front of my leg and now i have a new one but on the opposite leg. im a little concerned about this cuz ive never had so many bruises this fast at one time usually its one after another but now i have 5 and dont have a clue where they came from
Witches, wizards and warlocks?
Look up some of the famous subjects -- Dr. John Dee, Cornelius Agrippa. Start by looking up the famous novel by Apuleius the Golden *** (its name is always censored here). Magic and spells used to play an important role in everyone's spiritual life, so witch in some Roman literature is sometimes a translation of Priestess (it's a Thracian Witch whose spell goes awry turning the hero of that novel into a donkey). A lot of the people, such as Pope Sylvester II who are alleged to have been witches or wizards are people people had grudges against.
Are Hebrew National hot dogs unhealthy too?
Hi, somebody told me that hot dogs are really unhealthy, I wonder if Hebrew National 100% beef hot dogs are unhealthy too, are they processed too? Thanks........
Whats wrong with eminem?
There is nothing wrong with Eminem. The only reason he's so controversial is because everyone takes everything he says seriously. He wouldn't kill anyone, he cares way to much about his daughters to do anything to keep himself away from them. So maybe the question we should be asking is what's wrong with you.
Question for Northerners? Please & thank you!?
Yes, and your friends don't speak for all of us here. I would try some deer jerky I've heard it's good.
What is the difference between a witch and a warlock?
if we're talking real-life situations, a witch is anyone who practices wicca, also known as witchcraft (both male and female). then there is the other interpretation of mythological creatures, which includes both witches and warlocks. some believe a warlock is a male witch (again, only in mythology)
Gay and Bi men:What arcana tarot spirit are you....?
I'm The Magician. But, based off the Major Arcana's correspondences to the Zodiac, I am Strength or Justice, dependent on the deck.
Is this part of puberty?! Why am I so angry?
i understand parents divorced when i was 5 and i hated my dad for one month after. but still, he is your father and will always be. you can't hate him. if you feel this way, avoid him. or you could just talk to him and tell him how you feel. maybe he could work on his problems, but you're gonna have to learn to love him again.
Well im obviously writing a book ,but im very much stuck on the most important thing this book gives. The name of what this supernatural group is called! So in my book there is this ancient race called the ______ and they are sworn to restore the balance of the world .For centuries everything has been "screwed up"! this takes place in modern time okay ,and the main character is a normal teenager (18 more like young adult!) anyway well turns out her(her name is jensen) father was a _______ which makes her one too! ,but she never knew either did her mother . (off track im so sorry ) well anyway there are wear wolfs,vampire,witches warlocks,and guardians( the protect nature and have i guess you can say nature powers and they are NOT fairy like!) . If you are a _______ you are either a warrior ( mostly guys its very rare that there is ever a girl) ,a guardian (nature protectors) ,or a warlock/witch but you must understand this race of warlocks or witches are more power full than any other in the whole world!! ,but most of them are corrupted hunger for more powers which is why everything is screwed up! and they are very strong ,fast,given beauty ,and seductive like i guess(not really only some ) ,and are very smart ( i'll explain how they were created in the actual book) anyway DO NOT DARE STEAL THIS IDEA OR I WILL CUT YOU!!!!!!! . any WAY i just need help with a perfect name for this ancient race so i hope you can help me out
In WoW why won't my trainer work?
I'm an orc warlock in Word of Warcraft, and i've leveled up to three new spells. When I go to my spellbook it says to go to your trainer. Whenever I go to the trainer in my original home town, I right click to train with him. When the training menu comes up, it's totally blank. I checked the filter and it said both available and unavailable spells should be showing up. Why can't I train the spells?
How much does it coast to have a baby, medically?
If you have no insurance, you can end up paying anywhere from $6,000 to $20,000. If you have insurance, you might want to call and find out how much they cover. My insurance would have covered only 80% so I would have still ended up paying about 3 thousand.
How long to bake beef fillets?
i have two half pound beef fillets i want to bake. i want them to be medium. how long should i bake them for? thanks
World of Warcraft advice...?
Hey, you're able to to have 50 characters per account and 10 per realm. To be honest, race doesn't really matter unless you take an aspect of the game really seriously. Each race has a very minor advantage such as a silence, a buff, stun ect. As you're new to the game, I don't think you'll really care about this. Just go with what you like the look of, but if you were to go with one of your choices, Undead would have a spell to get out of any crowd control and eat a humanoid, restoring health. Trolls are good for a damage increase buff and blood elves for the silence (stops target from casting for 2 seconds) and a restore in their energy. To conclude, they are all good choices and play what you like the look of.
World of Warcraft help!!!?
I've made a Druid (31) a Mage (51) a warlock (20) and a shaman (17) and finally a warrior level (16) I just don't think these classes are for me and don't know if I should keep playing or try a new character what do you think and if I should keep playing what class should I try ?
Some WoW questions..?
I wear mine till lvl 80 then switch it out for cata gear. As far as which toon I would say a shadow priest but that's just my personal opinion. I know when I'm on mine I'll try to keep the healer alive while they're keeping others alive. If healer dies a shadow priest can back up heal at least and hope the group won't wipe.
What would be a good ice barrier deck? Easy 10 Points.?
Look here: /I think the Brionac OTK would be great, but if you don't have the synchros, just don't go for Absolute Barriers, Brionac OTK, or Recommended.
How do i lose fat from my glutes?
Im a 19 year old male and its kind of embarrassing for me to have fat on my glutes, and the rest of my body theres hardly any fat. I walk to work everyday about a mile away and im trying to watch what i eat but sometimes i slip because i have nothing else to eat and i just eat whatever my mother buys. I eat beef jerky everyday at work and that's it at work. I do sit ups everyday, push ups with weights, glute exercises as-well but it seems like the rest of my body is in decent shape but all the fat seems to go to my glutes and thighs and i hate that. I do jump-ropes on days im off but it still seems like im getting no where. Theres no fat on my arms, no fat on my calf's and a little fat on my stomach but most fat seems to go to my *** and thighs and i cant seem to make it go away. This is so annoying and im becoming self conscious about it and it makes me feel uncomfortable because i know my associates and others notice as-well. Its really really bothering me, i think i need a meal plan or something.
Updated survival bag again?
you might wanna get a torch lighter, some alternative tinder, maybe a little improvised accelerant like hand sanitizer, a cheap knife for the magnesium bar. look into bivy bags and shelters. anything an ultralight backpacker might use could be useful.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
What can I make for dinner with ground beef, potatoes and cheddar soup.?
okay so I am looking for something to make for dinner that sounds good and yet uses the stuff above with few additions as I am flat broke for a while yet and this is pretty much what I have on hand to feed all three of us. Any thing with ground beef would be a welcome recipe because I have run out of ideas. Its hard to find something new every day when you use ground beef. Thanks.
Can anyone help me with my Dark Magician Deck?
i really want to play a dark magician deck and me and my friends who i play with only play how it was when we were young so like none of us use syncro monsters and we play with banned cards, so yeah basically anything goes this is basically just to have some fun, so yeah basically my problem is really the monsters i dont want to have an over amount of sacrafice cards, but im not sure which i should use the only thing im sure of is i wanna kinda base the deck around getting dark eradication warlock out on the field so yeah and if you wanna suggest any magic or trap cards that g with the type of deck feel free
I need help with world of warcraft?
I'm playing as a warlock and every time i log in i can i use the sword one time but when i try to use it again i cant use it the only thing that i can use without any problems are the spells.. my sword is one handed and i have another one that is auto attack and i cant use either pllzzzzz help can anybody tell me what is wrong.. i'm playing the trial for cataclysm
World of Warcraft question.?
I hear people saying that warlocks can't pvp ever since a new patch came out. why would WoW create an unbalanced class and how do patches affect that?
How do I make a proper American style beef burger?
The tastiest way to cook burgers is on the BBQ, but pan frying works well too. For each burger, use 6-8 oz. of ground beef. The best burgers do contain some fat, so try to purchase chopped/minced beef that is 75-80% lean. One pound of meat is 16 oz. so just divide it in half for large 8 oz. burgers and in thirds for smaller burgers which will be just shy of 6 oz. Shape the meat into patties. Season each side of the patty with salt, preferably Kosher or sea salt and black pepper. Place the patties in a hot skillet, reduce heat to medium high, leave them there until they can easily be turned without sticking to the pan. Cook on the other side for about three minutes. If using a BBQ, cook for about 3-4 minutes on each side depending on the thickness of the patties. Always allow the patties to rest for a minute or two to distribute the juices. Serve on hamburger buns or rolls with lettuce, sliced tomato and sliced onion, or not. In the US burgers are usually served with Ketchup or a combination of mustard and mayonnaise, depending on which part of the country you live in.
Healer or Tank in World of Warcraft?
Should i make a priest healer or paladin/warrior tank. I have experience in tanking, before my paladin got deleted. I'm coming from a warlock, and help would be appreciated.
How am I able to hit high in pvp?
Im a night elf, and as i go through pvp, i see many players that are able to hit very high. For most, 200's and 300's might be a very small amount of your hp, but in lower levels (10-14) thats almost all of your hp. Anyone know how they are able to hit so high? (and i know its not just the equipment they are using because mages and warlocks can hit that high too, with their spells)
How to beef up my lost sanctuary yugioh deck?
i bought the lost sanctuary deck and i have another one coming in the mail so wat cards can i take out/add to make it even better thank you in advance
Is there a biological link connecting humans to God? If not then why do most humans call him "Father?"?
God created all life, humans, bears, ants, dogs, etc. and the universe that all life exists in. If we humans call him father then that would make him the father of all animal life also. It is a step down from Creator. Don't get me wrong, I have no beef with those that use the title but a person should understand that there are certain qualities to being God that cannot be attributed to a biological human father just as calling your biological father God would be wrong. Human fathers do not create life, that already exists in the biology of being human as well as other species. So, does biology play a role in titles?
If dying from cancer?
There is always hope. My advice is pray to God to give you the right direction on what to do. Please research the benefits of taking ganoderma. It fights cancer and in some cases it cures it. I will be praying for you and your family.
A nice sauce to go with a beef and mushroom stir fry?
I'm making a beef and mushroom stir fry later, I have never made it before, I am going to serve it with noodles but I think it might be a bit dry without a sauce, which sauce would go nice with this dish?
What are some good motorcycle gang or greaser gang names?
It's all in the descriptions I want ones that having been taken like T-birds, Warlocks, Outlawz, Sinners, Krooks
Why is my dog not eating?
-she won't eat anything! anything but home cook meals primarily pork or beef. I'm tired of her not eating her DOG FOOD! I hate meat, I only eat fish! my parents are meat lovers though, and sometimes feel very bad for the dog and end up feeding her some fresh out of the oven meat! that's non sense! lol I am sick of that dog thinking she's so worthy of "freshly ****** meat" I have 6 cats, and they eat just about anything..and are very well behaved unliked that dog.
How to fatten my pup up?
My pup is getting pretty stringy. Being a puppy, she's not always very interested in her food. She'll eat some, but usually not all I give her. I'm starting to worry. What can I give her occasionally to put some meat on her bones that's not bad for her? ALSO, I'm not interested in changing her brand of food (that's not the problem). AND most importantly, she DOES NOT have some sort of parasite or sickness that's making her this way. Many puppies lack interest in their food until they're older, so I just want to know what I can give her to put some beef on her.
What do you think of my poem?
I really like it! The words go together well and it is lovely. You should publish it and others on a reading website!
Can anyone help me slim down my spellcaster deck and make it better?
Pot of Greed and Chaos Sorcerer are both banned, Mystical Elf is awful, Dark Factory of Mass Production, Swords of Concealing Light, Tribute to the Doomed, and Pitch Black Power Stone should all be removed.
Why does this girl do this?
I sit beside a girl in class and i dont kno why she acts like this. She talks to her friends infront of me on another side of the class. I was in her way while she was talking to her friend and she was like move cant u see where talking. She sometimes talks to me. Also she helps me alot like does me favours and is nice to me and she smiles while talking to me. �Ill catch her looking in my direction and she quickly glanced away. When we left class i caught her looking back at mre. However one day she was mad cus i was gona copy her work and she moved away and said now you have to do it yourself but the next day she was talking to me. I see her talking to this other guy but we never talk outside of class.
What should i do to be a true friend?
To be a true friend you just gotta be there for that persona show u care. And trust the person and be a good listener and help with problems. Also stand up for someone when they are being bullied. And comfort them when they are angry or upset.
Help have I done the right thing ?
Basically just need some advise from ppl who had lot exp.....or not lol? in summary ive had bad 2 yrs like really bad but im good now getting on track with stuff. Ive been seeing this guy 4 mnths basically i think ive fallen for him anyway som other stuff was going on that made me wanna speak to him about it we sorted it all out but he obv new it botherd me. we met up n he finishedwith me hes in the army u north so theres distance n i think maybe he finding it hard he said he didnt feel like there was anything between us n then i told him i felt oppsite like i felt a lot. so it ended then all week he said stuff to friends n on fb about how he regrettes it etc etc we talked n we bk together its so hrd tho cuz i feel insecure that he dint feel much as i do n i dont wanna be really hurt cuz im getting bk on track i explained it n he said i dint realise i thought it was how i felt etc. he keeps reacently phone txt saying love you mre thn usuln that its just i feel torn i feel so much for him but i knw he nt at sme point hav i done th right thing :/ ppl hav said tha th risk u take etc just need some general thoughts ?
What dog food can I give my Cockapoo who suffers from food allergies?
The vet believes my dog may be allergic to the typical meats in dog foods: chicken, beef etc.She suggested that I find a dog food with more unusual meats that my dog would be less likely to be allergic to. Is it true that most dogs with allergies are actually allergic to the meat instead of the added stuff? Have you ever had a dog with skin allergies, frequent ear infections or frequent infections in general? What dog food worked for you? Do you know of any dog foods with unusual meets such as kangaroo that have worked well for you? Also, as I am currently searching for a job I really can not afford to spend 40+ dollars on dog food every week. I love her dearly but, I just can not do that at this time. Does anyone have any ideas as to what I can do to help her stop itching and getting on a diet more suited to her needs? Her problems include itching,many ear infections and infections under her tail. The vet told me that " food allergies often show problems from the ear to the rear." She was right in this case! Also, is feeding her items at home okay until I get her a better diet? Lately I have been trying to feed her things like tuna with rice, green-beans and apples. Any help would make me smile and make my dog's tail wag! = ) She is a great dog and I hate to see her suffer.
How come some people sound good on recordings but i dont and i can sing i think?
singers like dondria justin bieber and mre they recorded themselves but they sounded good is it just me???... i think they used a webcam and a computer mic would that help me???
Monday, August 8, 2011
How to make this friendship into something more later on?
You'll just have to ignore all of the jealous girls and be very confident in who you are and press on with becoming Mike's friend. Stay close to your own friends also. Show maturity by not letting the other girls get to you and never complain to Mike about them. Confidence and maturity will win every time.
Poll.......... Chicken or Beef? raspberry sauce with ,slivers of onion ,topped with rice krispies and a smattering of jelly beans ....heaven!
Can I make meatloaf with ground pork only?
I have no beef or chicken at the moment and I am craving meatloaf..Any suggestions on how to make it tasty?
How long can the MRE( Meals Ready-To-Eat) meals can last at the most?
have had MRE's from early 1980's and we were fine (back in 06). Maybe little dusty like (the breath that is), but for the most part it was ok, o yea if u ever come across charms toss them away, they bad luck.
Is it bad I just ate this much?
I'm 13, I just ate like half a big bag of baked sour cream and onion lays lol. I was hungry. For lunch I had half of a roast beef sandwich, an apple and cheese stick and for breakfast I had frosted mini wheats
How to do eye makeup?
Using white eyeshadow will brighten up your eyes. A white eyeshadow with a golden tone will make them look more brown. Apply black liner on the outer part of the eye, makes it look rounder and bigger. Put white eyeliner on the waterline, white eyeshadow/liner in the tearduct area and to highlight. curl lashes and apply mascara. Adding fake lashes also makes your eyes look bigger and stand out.
Will an invasion of Israel mean now is the time to accept Jesus and be saved? like an indication? help?
Like will there be any indications before the rapture such as the anti christ coming into power or the invasion of Israel? because if the invasion of israel is an indication, than the rapture is not going to happen anytime soon because as of right now there is no beef with Israel.
Hw cn u tel tat me and my bf is nt having jst a physical attraction but true love?
Me and bf since 4yrs..but v usd to speak mre abt sex thn anything else..but nt had any sex til nw..though v hav kisd many bf is mre into these kind of things and i found it normal bcoz i think boys r lik me things which cn diferentiate love and physicals?
My undergrad gpa is less than stellar. It sits at a 2.7 cumulative. I'm trying to decide if I should return.?
My last semester there was my worst; I even receive a F. Currently, I just have to take 2 summer classes and I'm done. These classes will be taken at a different school. Because of the school's later schedule, I won't receive my diploma until December. So I'm considering a return for the fall semester to beef up my gpa and retake the F class. Basically my question is should I return or should I just let it go and move on to post bac? I'd like to go to grad school.
Is my lunch for school Healthy? :) ?
yes, this sounds like a healthy diet with fruit, and brown bread, you could make it healthier buy adding a smoothy, fresh fruit juice or water, well done. stick to your good balanced diet. x
My dog is having diarrhea, what could it be?
The diarrhea is because of the change in her diet. It wasn't a gradual switch. So if it persists you need to put her on a special home diet of cooked chicken and rice or ground beef with elbows and feed 3 small servings a day for a few days and then gradually add her regular food to this mixture. I don't know the size of your dog so give her enough to satisfy her but not too much.
Ok i want your opinion bout my yugioh deck?
i think it is good because i am running a spellcaster deck and this deck goes up to my standerd of deck
How do level to level 50 in wow in less than 3 hrs from 45?
If i'm lvl 45 in wow right now how do i get to level 50 in less than 3 hrs im a undead warlock what should i kill what gives good xp someone plz tell me how to get it fast.
Is mongolian food with nothing but noodles and beed high in calories?!?
its one of those places where you gather up all the stuff on a plate and you give it to the guy and he cooks it for you. What the plate consist of is alot of noodles (where it towers pretty high) and beef at the bottom. Does that have alot of calories?
Hi, I am planning on an overnight trip to mount chocorua in New Hampshire. I was wondering if anyone can help me out and see if I am missing anything in this list! 10 POINTS TO BEST ANSWER! Also, I cannot afford a water filter but are the water purfication tablets still safe to use? my list is: sleeping bag with sleeping pad, extra cloths, exta food, water water and more water, MRE's with propane stove and a lot of extra food, flashlights with extra batteries, extra cloths, and thats all i have. If anyone can add to that i will greatly appreciate it!!
Some Good Underground Hip Hop?
From the home of Binary Star (and yes, we've worked with One Be Lo and others) check out: ... this is a blog that, even though it's only Detroit underground hip hop rap artists, tens of thousands vote monthly on who the best performers are and we give them opportunities to further their careers. No Politics. No BS!
I need a wow scroll of ressruction key?
Now i got school my exams will finish the next monday and i will buy wow gametime in wow again . i got a lvl 45 warlock but i want to be lvl 50 before summer then i buy game time you win i win. u get 1 month free after i pay i get 10 days xD. Pls it will mean alot to me just e-mail me at . Thanks ^^
What type of activities should a care home provide for residents? mental stimulation is one,is there any mre?
They should allow the residents to be a bit more individual for example brushing their own hair, doing their own buttons up, if possible otherwise they deteriorate quickly.
What's the difference between witch, wizard, warlock, and sorcerer?
a witch is a magical female who has to use a wand for magic, a wizard is a magical male who uses a wand for magic, a warlock is an evil wizard, and a sorcerer is an all magical being, and does not need a wand
Are you still vegetarian if you accidentally eat meat?
I'm a vegetarian but today at a restaraunt I accidentally ate something that contained beef (a small amount) & I feel bad..
Who can help me find a name for the "bad guy" of my book?
Well, normally I would need more detail than that. If he was born in a particular time period you should look for a name that comes from that time period. Never use modern names in historical fiction. You can find names that mean a certain thing, Damien mean heart and Shale is a kind of stone. Deric means strong, Elric means elven king. a href="" rel="nofollow" is a great site, if a bit spammy.
I need advice on my book I'm currently writing?
No successful writer would ever say they 'hated non fiction' it's the source of all human knowledge and ultimately the key to understanding works of fiction.
Does anyone else here love autumn/winter? and why?
This is my favourite time of year - i love fresh crisp autumn mornings, crunchy frosty grass, coming in from the freezing cold rain to a warm house and the lush smell of beef stew, i love Halloween, bonfire night, and the entire christmas season and the amazing feeling it brings - in my opinion this time of year is so much nicer than summer (but thats just my preference) does anyone else feel the same about the colder weather? and what is it you like most about it?
Is it possible Chris Angel is an ACTUAL warlock/wizard/magic user ?
I've been watching his shows and some of the things he does is just absolutly physically impossible. And don't tell me "its all an illusion" because not everything in this world could have an explanation some things could be diffrent?
Border Collie versus Rough Collie?
Their breed characteristics for personality are quite different. Borders are more intense; Collies are more laid back. Borders need a lot of activity. Collies tend to be yappy. Read about the breeds at their respective national club websites.
Destruction Warlock(WoW) Question?
When i'm reforging items i dont know what stats to get rid of. Do i want more mastery and hit, or crit and some haste?
I need help thinking of a name in my book?
Well im obviously writing a book ,but im very much stuck on the most important thing this book gives. The name of what this supernatural group is called! So in my book there is this ancient race called the ______ and they are sworn to restore the balance of the world .For centuries everything has been "screwed up"! this takes place in modern time okay ,and the main character is a normal teenager (18 more like young adult!) anyway well turns out her(her name is jensen) father was a _______ which makes her one too! ,but she never knew either did her mother . (off track im so sorry ) well anyway there are wear wolfs,vampire,witches warlocks,and guardians( the protect nature and have i guess you can say nature powers and they are NOT fairy like!) . If you are a _______ you are either a warrior ( mostly guys its very rare that there is ever a girl) ,a guardian (nature protectors) ,or a warlock/witch but you must understand this race of warlocks or witches are more power full than any other in the whole world!! ,but most of them are corrupted hunger for more powers which is why everything is screwed up! and they are very strong ,fast,given beauty ,and seductive like i guess(not really only some ) ,and are very smart ( i'll explain how they were created in the actual book) anyway DO NOT DARE STEAL THIS IDEA OR I WILL CUT YOU!!!!!!! . any WAY i just need help with a perfect name for this ancient race so i hope you can help me out
WoW Paladin Tauren talent for tank?
I'm new to wow and I got bored of my warlock I stopped at level 45 and now I'm making a tauren paladin and its going to be a tank, I was wondering what would be the best talent for a paladin tank to use? there are Protection, holy and Retribution.
Researching please help.....?
I need all the names of accused witches,and demons,i am serious...if any one has any information on people who may have been witches or warlocks please tell me, i NEED to know. I am especially interested in the salem witch hunts,if they ever found any real witches,especaily if there are any with any living desendents...please help
How does pork taste like?
is it more like chicken or beef? or a fair cross between the two? i only ever eat seafood, chicken and beef.
Please comment and rate my Yu-Gi-Oh deck :)?
This isnt a very good deck. No theme. All good decks have a theme, i suggest that you completely start again and focus on a deck that suits you. Then buy a structure deck and build on it by buying individual cards.Finally, try and stick to 40-44 cards. This way you have a better chance of drawing what you need. Hope this helped :)
Is it ok to feed my Red Eared Sliders raw meat?
They can have a tiny bit of raw meat, but that can't be a staple diet. They need veggies too, that is important, especially for a young turtle. And don't feed them earthworms either, wild caught stuff can carry diseases or parasites.
Vision fades, i feel really weak and usually fall to my knees, followed by pounding headache lasts 30 seconds?
This happens a LOT to me. It used to just be maybe once a month, now it's sometimes twice a day. Sometimes it's when i stand up, sometimes it's when i stretch my back, and sometimes i'm just already standing up and it happens. Generally it starts with my vision fading to like a black or green and then i feel really weak and collapse usually to my knees or the ground. Then right after i get my vision back i get a painful sharp pounding headache. All of this combines only lasts about 30 seconds. I don't always collapse, sometimes i just lose the vision and feel really weak. It scares me a little. My mom always said i'm probably just getting overheated, because i do get overheated easily, but i don't think it's that. Sometimes it happens in the shower, and that time i think it might be overheating, but i'm not always hot when it happens. Although that's what i'm mainly worried about, i'm also very tired a lot. I'm a dancer, so i'm used to soreness, but usually i'm excessively sore after classes. Specifically, i have a lot of back pain. I also get out of breath much mre easily and have trouble concentrating. I get headaches a lot. I haven't lost any weight, had any appetite loss, no stomach issues outside of cramping(but usually just for my period) just to be clear about that. Anyway. Any ideas?
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Does he like me !?!?!?!?!?!!?!?! :(:(:(:(.?
haiii gurl, dont feel alone may girls are going through the same thing you are.. i'm absoulty and postivly sure that he lkes you, grabbing youe waist all sustive and such, mmmm gurl. i know he likes you... give him a chace, i'm sure you like him tooo. <3
Can you eat molded beef jerky?
Basically my mother makes her own beef jerky. She marinates the slices of beef then leaves it out in the sun for it to dry. I use to eat these a lot before watching the process. Recently I saw that the beef were starting to mold which completely disgusted me therefore, stopped me from eating them since. Of course, I pointed this out to my mom and she insists that it's ok. She eats them pretty often and what she does is she cooks it in the oven or fry them in a skillet. And I've never seen her get sick from it. But the thought of mold just makes my stomach turn. My question is, is this abnormal? Can you get sick from this?
I just started guitar for 6 months now n i still find it abit hard but easier compare to couple of month ago .?
i just cant change chords as fast as the music .am i way back and need alot mre practise or its take mre then a year to be good at
Help pls read how do i tel her i like her?
Ive knwn her 4 about a mnth nw.. Been texting her.. Ive hung out with her a fw times with sme frnds.. I realy lke her. But hvnt talkd to her in mre thn a friend way.. I want to give her a slight hint that a like her, by txting her b4 i meet her in persn so hw cn i do it??
Best 'combat' field ration in the world?
I want to know which nation has the best MRE's in the world, from what i can find from Wikipedia and MRE International I would say the Aussie Field Ration or the British Field Ration's being the best and Russian being the worst, I know you have to consider things like ethnic taste-buds and that but an informative answer would be great. This stems to another question, which nation would have the 'best' and most professional army? now everyone knows that technology doesn't make your armed forces better but it is a point. In my opinion Britain, Australia and some European countries would-be as they're small and professional and have cutting edge technology and have proven themselves in deployments. Thanks, these answers would help loads! :D
Good simple recipe for chicken empanadas?
Help. I have made beef empanadas before but never chicken. After some research on-line I've found a ton of recipes with too many ingredients and they all seem to call for hard boiled eggs. This makes me question the entire recipe. I've had chicken empanadas before that were made by a Puerto Rican family member and there wasn't any egg in them. Maybe she cut it so small I couldn't tell. Not sure. I do recall a tomato flavor and green olives. I know that different nationalities cook their food differently. Puerto Ricans do it their way, Cubans do it their way, etc....I plan on using frozen dough so don't worry about that part. I just need help with the filling. If everybody tells me to put eggs in then I guess I'll take your word for it. LOL.
What should i have for lunch?
okay I have bread peanut butter no jelly no ham cheese tortillas roast beef and I have a microwave yippy! I guess i can use the oven but can you just give me something to make for 1?
Is this a good card trade(yu-gi-oh)?
I'm getting Inferno,tempest, 5 different barrier statues, and about three more cards that i could use with my deck for my Dark Eradicator Warlock. First of all I don't have a dark magician and he does, but I want to get one without paying fortunes, besides since we play against each other I don't want to be used against a card I use to own (even though I can't use it, but want to keep it), but there is a good side, I might be giving a good card for a lot of cards I can't really depend on but I can use Inferno tempest with my golden homunculus. Tell me is this a good deal for one warlock for 8 cards I can't even depend on and one great card? If not what would be a good trade for my warlock, just use different cards you think would be a great trade in comparison to his.
World of Warcraft question?
Hi! I'm a Level 10 Night elf Rogue. Yesterday i saw this level 8 Night elf that was also a Rogue and she had better armour and hp than me! This is not the first time! When i was a human warlock i saw a level 1 with better gear than a level 10! How come this is happening? Please, answer me!
World of Warcraft class question?
I quit W.o.W about 5months ago and recently wanted to come back. However i want to level a new class that i have always wanted. So after some searching i come to Answers and ask, for 4.2, should i level a shaman, rogue, mage, or warlock. Please give me your opinion, a reason why, and a race recommendation.
What's more horrific, murdering someone or molesting a child?
that being said, how come in prisons, child molesters get more death threats and are abused more than murderers? they are both horrible people yet murders get no beef
Why does this girl do this?
I sit beside a girl in class and i dont kno why she acts like this. She talks to her friends infront of me on another side of the class. I was in her way while she was talking to her friend and she was like move cant u see where talking. She sometimes talks to me. Also she helps me alot like does me favours and is nice to me and she smiles while talking to me. �Ill catch her looking in my direction and she quickly glanced away. When we left class i caught her looking back at mre. However one day she was mad cus i was gona copy her work and she moved away and said now you have to do it yourself but the next day she was talking to me. I see her talking to this other guy but we never talk outside of class.
What company makes the Italian Sausages in the Target Snack Bar?
I was told it was Vienna Beef but VB told me they only make the Hot Dogs not the Sausages for Target.
What seems to be the problem with this relationship.....plz need fix it up...?
give her a chance to either change for real or to repeat what she has been doing,if she doesnt change drop her man.
IF MREs are good enough for our Military, should we stop the food stamp program?
"beaver.tail" - That is strange, because when I was deployed I never saw a single contractor from Halliburton or their subsidiary (KBR) handling MREs. And I never saw a label that stated that either company made MREs.
Are McDonald's fries vegetarian?
I'm a vegetarian (not a vegan), and someone told me that McDonald's uses beef product in their fries. Does anyone know from a reliable source whether this is true or false? Thanks.
Need help with DPS warlock spec?
I have a lvl 85 warlock with an iLevel of 340. Currently I am pulling around 8K DPS, but would like to get to around 11-12K at least. I am a destruction warlock, and using imp in dungeons. Here is the spec i am currently using a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a I need somebody to tell me exactly what to put my points in, and possibly a good rotation. And before someone says to go read about it, I have and I understand what is being said, but people argue too much and IDK who to listen to. for 4.2.1 ipod touch?
ok ive did it before but i had to reboot it but thats another story now my ipod touchs pic apps n jailbreak r deleted now i have a 4.2.1 ipod touch n i looked up the website n it said this Welp. verison too new you need to downgrade to 4.0.1/3.2.1 or earlier ( which may be impossible, explantion) before you can use this site Mre info >> and usally it lets u slide n it's that easy but now it wont let me i looked @ more info n there's nothin so wat do i do?
What class should i choose for World of Warcraft?
I'm going to start playing WoW again. I'm really confused on which i should pick. I was thinking either rogue, warrior, or warlock. I could really use help.
Help with tofu recipe please?
We got some tofu the other day so I tried to make some tofu stirfry... I made some really good tofu stirfry a couple of months ago but I forgot to save the recipe! so I spent forever looking for another recipe. I finally found one that looked okay, but when I made it the tofu was WAY too salty. It said to marinate the tofu in soy sauce and garlic, and I cooked veggies seperately (broccoli, mushrooms, peas, onions). I tried the tofu and it was WAY too salty and marinating it made it look really unappetizing (it looked like beef chunks; I'm a vegetarian and I never was a fan of beef before) I put it in with the veggies hoping they'd dilute the salty taste or something, but I ending up taking it out and storing it in the fridge because it was just wayyyyy too salty to eat. Is there any way to make it taste less salty? Oh, and does anyone have any tried and true good recipes using tofu?
Idea for a short story ?
What would be a good plot for a short story? Im having major writers block. I want to do astory that deals with different issues such as sexuality, race, money, politics one of those or something similiar. Preferably i decieded on a characters of the opposite sex to give the story mre variable oopinon. Any ideas?
Should i come back to WoW?
Hey people! I am in a desperate situation. I dont got any games to play X_X. I wanted to play minecraft or magicka but magicka doesnt work on my computer and minecraft well it is just boring when you are alone :(. And then i thought. Should i come back to WoW. And since i am very bad at making decision wanted to ask here for some advice should i come back to WoW when you know that i really suck at it i get owned every time in pvp and also i got a big problem of choosing which class to play everytime i am in some should i take a mage or a warlock or a warlock ( reach level 5 ) Man i had to take a mage ( reach level 5 mage ) Acctoly lets go with a druid and so on.. Too bad there isnt a other class :p. So yeah any advices so i can make up my mind? And also if you think i should go back to WoW ( warlock hunter or druid :P? )
Help with my mexican orphan!?
So my friend went to an orphanage and adopted a little mexican and uses him for chores so I thought, you know i should to the same! So I did. I picked up a little 9 year old beef sitck and he's been doing some of my chores like mow my lawn, clean my house, and make me sammiches since my ***** left me. But I'm having some problems too!! He won't sleep on his mat in the corner! It cost me $19.99 at PetSmart! I even got the one with fluffy padding! AND THE SELFISH BRAT WON"T USE IT!!! He also won't potty train! I've tried all the techniques like shoving his face in his mess or punting him out for a day. So I'm thinking about just having him put down. I don't really know.
When making beef stew, can i oven potatoes and carrots prior to putting them into the stew?
will it lose its bite (hardness) if it oven it first? will it lose its starchiness? because i know when making beef stew the starch of potatoes and carrots is incorporated into the stew
Does this sound like a good story to read/buy?
It sounds pretty good. I can't say whether I would or would not read this book because I base a lot on the writing style. It would be nice to know who Alex is, because I have a feeling that the story would sound more plausible then. Everything else seems fine. Would really like to read a bit of it - even just a couple of paragraphs. :)
Will FIITJEE be useful?
I m currently in 9th std and my dad wants me to join this FIITJEE. It seems that there is only a 3 year classroom program currently. I wanna know if its worth spending those 3 years for entering IIT? Should i wait one more concentrating mre on studies and then join Fiitjee for a 2 year plan?
Help general thoughts?
Summarsing---to b in context ive had n awful 2 trs like literally been 2 hell n bk but im getting on track still struggel but im trying n getting there------ive been with this guy 4 mnths i recently felt mre n mre 4 him---som stuuf was on my mind i talked to him n we sorted it out hwver it led onto how we felt he said nothing basically or it was there n went i obv told him i felt loads n he said he wud maybe mre down line he might i said i cant wait for to make yr mind up based on current feeling of nothing atm----he in army struggels with it somtimes i think n obv there distance btwn us-------anyway pretty much immediatly after he said he made a mistake to ppl etc we met after a week n talked we bk together but i said im still hurt obv he didnt do anything wrong honest at time but th way ge said it n wen was awful i said itll take me time to trust that i wont be hurt like that again----but i feel torn i feel soo much bu he nt where i am n hav i done th right thing i mean evry1 said it the risk u tke etc but its playing on my minfd i havnt rushed bk into it n im nw gonna let him lead etc :/ nt gt lot exp just want general thoughts on situation pls????? thnku xxx
Can raw beef make you puke?
Yes. There are many ways that raw beef can make you puke. for one, if the cow had some sort of bacteria, you don't remove that and put yourself at risk for bacterium. Diseases can also be picked up from raw beef like salmonella, which makes you vomit and causes diarrhea. I hope you just feel woozy.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Pepper extract in food?
Hi all, what is pepper extract that you find in food? What I mean is, what kind of pepper is it? Is it black, white, bell pepper, chilli pepper or what? I'm deathly allergic to bell peppers so I need to know before I eat anything with it in. It's in the beef stock with the yeast and salt, so I would assume it's black of white pepper, but I need to be certain first. I don't want to eat it and risk it being bell pepper extract, I don't fancy death any time soon! Thanks in advance.
Christians: How is it a choice to believe in God or not!??!?
You choose to believe many, many things in life: perhaps you should think these types of questions through a little more before you embarrass yourself any further.
Grilling meat. Any serious grillers out there with advice?
T-Bone is excellent, as it contains alot of marbling (that's what gives it great flavour). Blade steak, (usually cheaper), is a good choice as well. I'm with you about not marinating, I like simple as well. Just sear the steak on high heat for a few minutes, turn, then repeat. Cool down the grill and continue to cook. Check out this link, and read the touch test, it is usually never wrong, once you get the hang of it.a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a
How long is frozen beef still good to eat?
I have a beautiful steak that has been frozen in the original styrifome packaging from the store(I know this is not the ideal way to freeze meat) since it was purchased last august. Is it still safe to eat?
Im 15 and I began eating much more that usual? Whats happening?
Im 15 and for the last 2 weeks I have been eating more that usual. I can eat all day and everything just seems nice to mre. And the thing is I never ate so much, I was hardly ever hungry and now its just weird. Kind of creeping me out .. Any ideas. Help please
What is that Christmas movie?
There is this Christmas movie and the characters were like clay or puppets or something, and a baby was left on the doorstep (Cris Cringle) and he had red hair (LIKE ME!!! :) and there was the winter warlock monster, and toys weren't aloud so Cris/Santa delivered them and tried not to get caught. I just can't remember what this movie is called! Does anyone know what I'm talking about, or am I out of my mind?
Which options are going to be lowest in calories and fat?
Oh honey, if you want to go with the least amount of fat, no butter, no potatoes , Go for Chicken normally unless its fried.
My baby is six months old ....?
its time to switch to 2nd food. they r a bit thicker, but not much. once he is used to them... a couple weeks, then u can start pureeing ur foods. meats and veggies and fruits. no need for extra sugars, salts or seasonings. he doesnt need them. some babies at a year old dont have teeth yet, but they still gnaw the food with their gums. if he can do the pincer grasp u can give him cooked carrots cut into tiny bites and he can feed himself and u can feed them. i think thats about 9 months.
Should I roll a Bloodelf Mage or Warlock?
As far as leveling, pve, pvp, raids, and all the different specs, which class is better. Im a major PVPer so that definatley helps.
Can anyone hep with this?
recently my bf and I had a bit of accident and were both worried that I could be pregnant.this accident occured sometime n jan.(I had my period)however,feb my period ddnt show up.march my "period" came but it was very weird.I ddnt have any cramps(very unusual)my flow went frm lite to heavy.I took a pregnancy test(I've tken alot)bt their all (-).I was on bc,but only 4 a month becus I had problems gettin mre.(I hvent been on it since)I'm wonderin if I still could b prego or maybe the bc messed me up?
Why does this girl do this?
I sit beside a girl in class and i dont kno why she acts like this. She talks to her friends infront of me on another side of the class. She used me as an example once and was like imagine him driving while talking to her friend. I was in her way while she was talking to her friend and she was like move cant u see where talking. She sometimes talks to me. Also she helps me alot like does me favours and is nice to me and she smiles while talking to me. �Ill catch her looking in my direction and she quickly glanced away. When we left class i caught her looking back at mre. However one day she was mad cus i was gona copy her work and she moved away and said now you have to do it yourself but the next day she was talking to me.
I want to noe he loves me or not...hw to make him take d initiative?
jst send him a forwarded emotional msg see if he replies back then go ahead otherwise forget him n find another one
Is my food worth anything?
MRE's aren't that inexpensive and many people sell them on sites such as eBay and Amazon. The shelf life of MRE's will vary depending on the surrounding temperatures. They could last up to 150 month if stored at a relatively cold place (unrefrigerated); they will expire in only one month if the average surrounding temperature is 120 degrees. MRE's are fairly popular around locations where natural disasters could strike. For example, quite a few people in California kept MRE's around as an emergency food supply in case there's a major earthquake.
Does this sound like I'm not eating enough?
Too much chocolate. The lunch is great, the yogurt is fine, you should eat a healthy dinner, minus the chocolate.
Girlsssss Help Plssss?
Well with your friends, you guys could talk about shopping, any new movies coming out, bring some magazines maybe and see if you want to change up hairstyles/haircolors, do nails, talk about anything happening in school, planning fun parties, having movie nights or taco nights something fun like that. And with guys, you could talk about what sports he's into, what movies he likes, how his life is going, how school is going for him, and he may want to ask questions too! You never know, just go for it and see what happens! Don't be nervous, you can do it! Good luck!
Head IG 16x19 would be a good one. and i'd say for strings if you break a lot of strings and don't have arm problems then I'd try Big Banger Rough ALU or Babolat pro hurricane. If you don't break a lot of strings I'd try Gamma TNT or just basic synthetic gut.
What should i choose to play, world of warcraft or xbox live?
Okay now i can only afford one game monthly subscription. my 2 choices are XBL and wow. i got alot of games for xbox like black ops, reach.. and in wow im a level 85 warlock. in your opition what should i choose?
Updated survival bag again?
you might wanna get a torch lighter, some alternative tinder, maybe a little improvised accelerant like hand sanitizer, a cheap knife for the magnesium bar. look into bivy bags and shelters. anything an ultralight backpacker might use could be useful.
Computer Hardware issues?
i think a unknown application( game) may effects this cause to u r Pc,it having errors and it going to be access when u r using computer.find it(it may have viruses)delete the program.
Your favorite combination of junk food?
Cheetos or any kind of chips with gummy bears and melted chocolate on graham crackers with Reese's peanut butter cups.
Which one for a hunting buddy? Rachel Ray or Kim Kardashian?
I don't see where a two man tent would work with Kim. You would probably have to have a 10 man minimum size tent and still wind up sleeping on suit cases. You might even come home with a disease to share with momma.
Does the clean and clear advantage system work?
My skin used to not be that bad, but for the past few monts, my skins been breaking out. i was origanly going to get proactiv, but somehow my mom wound up buying mre the clean and clear system. i just started clean and clear today. i have oily skin with mild acne. does clean and clear work?
Girls is it ok to ask smone out over the phone?
Ive knwn her for bout 2 mnths. We hv been texting each othr.never spken to her in mre than a friendly way.. But i realy like her.. Hve hung out with her a few times with friends. I dnt oftn get to meet her in person so is it ok to ask her out on the phne or to express my feelings 4 her??
Who do authors rely on to check the technical?
No one does a technical review process. It is up to the author to confirm that all the facts are right. The publisher/editor might do a little bit of checking but nothing serious.
Get most of my doubles in summer?
It took me a year and a half to land my axel, and another six months after I landed my axel to land my double salchow. Even if you have the rotation, that's the least of your worries. Don't expect to be landing them all by the end of the summer, it took me over a year between landing my double salchow and landing my double lutz, and I haven't landed my double axel yet, three months after landing my double lutz. You can't case how quickly other skaters land their doubles off how you should. But a good goal for you would be to have your double salchow, double toe, and double loop by the end of 2011. That's a reasonable goal.
Good wizard schools online?
im looking for a good wizard or warlock schools online any help. if any negative things please don't post. If there is any meeting places for these type of things in Ohio Please tell too.
Is it bad to smoke marj alot?
I usaly always smke eevery day if I got it.then theirs dat 1 or 2 days that I dnt have any.and wen I have it I smke like mre den 5 times a day .is it bad to smke to much and over a lng period.I first smkd wen I was 15 then I got busted at school at 16 so I had to quit for like 6 month .and now im bout to b 18 nxt month
Friday, August 5, 2011
So was I wrong to cut this girl off like this .?
Soooo a girl lead me to believe that she didin't like her ex boyfriend she told me she likes me . Then when I see her in the hallway hugged up on her ex she decides to get sorry and apologies. . . . She was playing me from the start . So was I wrong to get mad .? Or should she have been told me . . . I would ask her who he was at first she said nobody that's my ex. She said they broke up over drama. But you hugged up on him like that. She lies to try to get me back and that made me even mre angry . . . So was I wrong or not.? I had to force her to tell me who he was.
I had this dream around 3 times?
This could mean a lot. Do you like apocalypse movies. Do the thoughts of aliens or the end of the world interest you? If so, your sub conscience is simply displaying what fascinates you.
Is it possible to become a boy witch aka warlock?
Men can become witches, just like women can. A Witch learns witchcraft, they aren't born with it. Witch is a term used by males and females alike. Warlock is a negative term, akin to calling a black person a "n**ger"
Im new here :) Looking for serious answers to my confusion?
Is it just me or is something strange here? MY live-in BF of 3 years seems to have a low libido, we are intimate at least once a week....when I come around to initiate he claims to be tired...he was tired all weekend and again last night even though he was home all day! He has a stressful job but no mre than mine! I have talked to him about it and he always get irritable and says he doesnt want to talk about it because he is tired nothing more. I explain to him that he needs to meet me half way here. I will respect him when he is tired but ALL the time, same excuse is odd and a bit selfish because when he is in the mood and comees around I dont deny him, I told him I feel rejected, no one wants to feel that!!!Especially from a MAN that claims to love you with all his heart....allegedly. I have voiced my feelings and frankly I feel completely ignored....he is loving and caring and all that good stuff but intimately he seems distant....any advice is appreciated, serious answers pls. P.S> I am not overweight ugly or smelly so pls dont ask silly things :) Thank you
Tips on making pork jerky?
I've seen my brother make beef jerky and he just throws it in the dehydrator for a while and it's done. If I want to do the same with pork, can I just do the same or do I need to treat it differently because it's pork? Like do I need to cook it first?
What ingredients can be found in a Canadian Military MRE?
I want to join the military but have some minor food allergies, does anyone know the ingredients in MRE's. What type of foods are in them what types of vegetables,meats,fish. Whatever is in them i want to know. Thank you for answers in advance
I need help with my anger?
i have a serious problem with my anger and wen i say bad i mean bad i had a gf and she did something i didnt like then i flipped out my mum said to go to my room and calm dwn so i did im only 15 and cnt control wat ive gt i even become mre stronger and faster wen im angry i have tried getting help bt i have hd no luck so where or wat cn i do to help myself. i dnt wnt to hurt the ones i love
Im dating this guy...?
sjo im dating this guy and weve kisssed like maybe a couple of times but i wanna kiss him mre but his friends are also starring at me ( a couple of his friends are myu exx) and it feels kinda awkward and then when we kiss at school all the teachers are watching i jus tnever get alone time with him what should i do?
How can i treat my bad skin?
if you know the "simple" products buy them they contain no artificial colors and is good for acne dont touch your face no matter what you do unless your going to wash it with simple soap and every night before you go to bed, soak a face towel in hot water and put it on your face till it gets cooler !!! ill be expecting a reply!!!!!
Why don't we distribute food instead of debit card so people on welfare can abuse the system?
MRE's are far more expensive than actual food from a grocery store. Check eBay for MRE prices and you will see people would just sell them for cash.
What meats can you cook stovetop?
Hi I just moved into a new place w/ a roomate. I love to cook but we don't have a working oven. I know how to dredge and fry porkchops, thin chicken, and of course beef on the stove top, but those three choices are getting old quickly. What other options/ways of cooking meat stovetop are there? Can I do thicker cuts of chicken like legs, hind-quarters, or turkey wings? How about ribs? Any advice or even recipes would be much appreciated, thanks!
(W.O.W) witch is the best class ! hunter,mage,warlock,or pally ? <<?
i have a level 42 pally and am getting a bit bored off it but i do still like it , but i have tryed other class's and like these to so i was just wondering witch is the strongest class! witch is the best in pvp! best attacks! most fun to play! most DPS! and ect..... thanks
Want to be ready for a natural disaster what and how much should i have?
I am getting my first house and i want to just basically start getting prepared for a natural disaster. I dont mean i am expecting the apocalypse. I was thinking food wise getting some MRE's. What is the shelf life for them? I figured i would get a hand crank radio, alot of water. I was thinking would i be better off just getting some 5 gallon water jugs like the ones you have in offices? or should i go with packs of bottle water? what else should i get? how much water would be enough? Its just me and my wife.
How do i get my friends to not ignore me?
I'm in middle school, and I have a group of friends that have about ten people in it. And we also hae some other people from other schools. So that makes our group hae 20 or so people. ALL of them go to the mall and stuff every single weekend and I'm never invited to them. The only times they wanted me to come was the holloween and christmas party and once for my best friends birthday party. They openly talk aout plans in front of me and they all steal looks at me because they know haven't been invited. Also, on facebook, when soe of my friends tag our group with those picture with a bunch of personalities, I'm never in any of them even if I fit one of them perfectly. There was also one tag that said " if your tagged, we lovve you" ewhere everyone in our grroup including some people that neer hang out with them. I wasn't in it. I feel like such a loser who just taggs along with everybody. When they all walk in a line down the hall, the make sure I'm on the fvery edge or not in it at all. I try to pretend it doesn't bother me and id raather be alone but its really too much now. If I called my best friend in thatgroup, shed think it was really important because we usually just text eachother while her other friends would be abke to talk over the phone for hours about nothing. They're all so cclose, and I not. What are some things I can do to get my friends to include me and actually notice how great I am. Whatever, I just need some help with this. Please don't say those aren't my real friends andi should find others because I know id never like another group like this even if they are ignoreibg mre,, these are my typevof people. Thanks...
Ttc,,,how long does sperm stay alive if frozen?
My husband and i decided to freeze his sperm until the next time we ovulate this wacky idea came from a friend who tried for 7 years and did this and gt preggo, has anyone ever heard of this? now period strts tommrw. Mre than likely ill ovulate around the 16th of the month. If we freeze the sperm today and leave it until ovulation will it still be fertile? or is this a pointless act? please help im desperate as u prob can see.
What should I make with boneless beef sirloin steak ? ?
Okay first off I don't have a BBQ so smart asses don't just say grill it and I like cheap but tasty foods I'm pretty open to try anything. Oh and I've made swiss steak a gazzillion times and every which way you can think of making it.
Should i txt him and see what happends?
iv been textin this guy on n off for a while iv nt tet him for 3 weeks bt really want to but should i or nt? my theory is the longer he doesent see me the mre he will want to see me stupid i knw!
I wanna now not to be shy any mre about hugging a boy you like!?
Guys are simple just ask him if he finds u attractive if he laughs then ur pretty cute if he laughs and says something mean just forget it he will come around lol
I want to join renji cricket team.....what shud i do for dat?
i do very well in battng and bowling .mre concentration in am an alrounder i wish to go for indian team...but first of al it is gud to practice under renji what shud i do for that....
What are a list of things you have in case of a zombie outbreak?
of course zombies dont exist and this is mainly a metaphor for a crisis situation (ie: invasion from another country, plague, general breakdown of civilization) anyhow here is what i have buried inside of a trunk somewhere on my 40 acres: 6 months worth of mre for 4 people, trauma pack, field surgery pack, water purifying tabs, fire starting packs(for extreme weather), a rope chainsaw, an electric stun baton, a full size plain edge kabar, an arno bernard 4" field knife, a machete, a mossberg 500 pistol grip 12 gauge shotgun with 120 rounds and adding, a 1911 .45 acp w/ 10 mags with 30 round capacity ea(already loaded), a remington 700 .308 with 50 rounds(i need to get more but i keep using them), a molle style plate carrier(bullet proof vest), a ballistic level IIIA entry shield with LED light, and a whole bunch of survival type odds and ends. parachute cord, sharpening stones, etc etc. whats in your zombie day survival gear or what would you have if you had a zombie survival set up?
What are some pretty/slightly dark names for a female Troll Warlock on World of Warcraft?
So, because my boyfriend has a Troll Hunter as his main on WoW, I decided to make a female Troll Warlock. Problem?: I don't know what to name her. I don't want a compound name (like Rainfall, Goldshine, Dusktail, etc....). I want it to be beautiful/pretty, but also slightly sinister or dark sounding. I have a female Blood Elf Priest on the same realm named Lutari, and I LOVE that name. Please help me! I would like as many suggestions as possible for my female Warlock!
Is this spellcaster Yu-Gi-Oh deck good? rating/comments?
unlike most people i enjoy this deck its good but id exchange one poly for a fusion sage and add a skilled white magician to pull out buster blader add Magical Citadel of Endymion for an easier way to get dark magician and buster and good luck and i give it 7 how it sets and a 9 if u make those little changes
World of Warcraft Name Crisis?
I am having trouble thinking up a cool name for my Orc Warlock. Does anybody have any cool ideas? I would like for them to be manipulation of the name "Ryan." :P
Blizzcon 2011 Costume?
I want to go this year and it will be my first time, so I'd really love to have a costume. I'd like to make a world of warcraft blood elf hunter or warlock costume, so are there any tips on how to make it? Or a good place to find materials and anything else I'd need. Thanks!
WHAT IS HE UP TO? 10points?
my bf told me to delete my facebook and i did,he deleted his too.2weeks later he reactivated his back & said i cant have mine b/c am pregnant.hes always uploaden new pics of him & stays on it late,he has mre female mates then boys.what do i do
Ramadan: answer this?
People are afraid of what they don't know or don't care enough to know. Moreover humans have always, naturally, generalize and blame a forest for a tree falling, if you understand what I mean. So I guess that's why.
Popular setting of a witches tale?
I'm thinking of writing a story on wattpad and my character is going to need the hlp of a witch/warlock/sorcerer and I have tried to look for famous tales of them that are earlier than Salem trials and cant find any can anyone help?
Your Opinion On My Top 5 Rappers Of All Time..?
i dont know if id put jay-z as honorable since their are alot of other rappers who i think are better.... although its your opinion and the list is pretty good.
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Favourite slimming recipes, snacks, cold meals?
Hi, I am having to be very careful not to put weight on due to steroid medication but am getting bored with my repertoir of lean beef mince, chicken and tuna based meals. What are your favourite healthy, slimming meals? Money is an issue too as I cannot work at present.
What to send in care package to someone in Iraq who doesn’t have much…?
A guy I am dating is deployed to the base called Alassad in Iraq. He says he doesn’t get hot meals there, they eat MRE’s every day and that there really isn’t a store to buy anything. He said they don’t even get soap and needs clean socks because his have holes in it and hasn’t been to a base with a store yet. What could I send him in a care package? I got two flat rate boxes from the postal service and I can send more if he wants. What would you send? I was thinking those prepackaged little meals you can heat up and some toiletries.
Should i ask him to hang out?
okay so there is this guy at my school i only talked to him over facebook and recently txting him. i gave him my number like 2 weeks ago. does it mean he likes me now, 2 weeks later, he starts txting me. well he says txting is not his thing and trust me it aint cause if i dont ask him something he can actually reply to he wont. so i asked him what he does for fun and he said rides fourwheelers and i told him i love to ride fourwheelers, basicly inviting myself. then i asked him what made him wanna txt me and he said he dunno just thought he would. i said okay that works and then no freaking response. it sucks cause i caint wait for him to txt me back but it takes him so stinking long and that is if he ever so i was gonna ask him to hang out but im not sure i said so are you mre social in person and her never wrote back. should i ask him again tomorrow or come up with another excuse to hang out?
Fresh hamburger patties?
I love making patties from fresh ground beef, but the edges always crack or the patty starts to fall apart half way through the cooking process. How can I prevent these things from happening?
Guitar Distortion question?
the amp makes a huge impact on the sound.smaller amps just doesn't have the low end chunk and growl of half or full stacks or even single or dual 12" amps.
Where can I get MRE's for cheap?
Wait on the next hurricane or local disaster and the National Guard will be handing them out for free by the cases.
Why is this happening to me?
This is more of a statement but i am so tired of getting my hopes up, this i just knew this ws my mnth, all of these unusual things are happening to my body. I never get pms until about a day before my period and during my period. But now tht im ttc, its like i keep getting these symptoms that lead me to think i may be preggo. Ive been having the same symptoms since lst cycle which ws about 6 weeks ago. Headaches back pains extreme gas, queazy, leg cramps sensitive smell i mean i can smell evry thing, fatigue watery mouth vivid dreams. But im not preggo. Why is my body doing this to me now tht im ttc? Lst mnth i just knew i had implantation bleeding and then when i got my super wierd period i thought maybe i did luck up but i have taken 6 preg test in 2 weeks all came bk bfn so i got one mre and my period is due n 7 days. I said i wudnt buy anymre so im tryna hld out on this one...sorry for babbling just wnt to knw hw many other ttcers are going through this or have gne through this. Baby dust to all...
How long can the MRE( Meals Ready-To-Eat) meals can last at the most?
have had MRE's from early 1980's and we were fine (back in 06). Maybe little dusty like (the breath that is), but for the most part it was ok, o yea if u ever come across charms toss them away, they bad luck.
16 and going to the gym?
Regardless of whether you hit the gym or not, you're never going to be able to 'bulk up' on your terrible diet. You ONLY eat protein?? How awful! You need carbs, dairy and LOTS of fruit and vegetables if you're really committed to gaining muscle.
Will jogging for 1 hour everyday help me lose weight? How much weight?
I have three months until school starts again. I want to lose weight and have 6 packs. I am a 15 year old boy. I weigh 155 pounds and I am 5 foot 7". What should I do to get mre muscles.
What should i do?should i go back to him?
You should tell what you are felling about him openly,talk about eachother then you should go backed to him
Poll :Lunch,hot open turkey sandwich,hot open roast beef sandwich, or open meat loaf sandwich?
Is this a poll of what I want or what you should have? If it's for me, I'd only eat the fries or the potato, because all your choices have meat on them.
What did you just say?! Gots this question?! Are you thoroughly round the bend? Who gots this question in the first place??
What do MRE's taste like?
I've seen videos on youtube, my brother says that they taste fine, but what do they really taste like?
16 and dont think people are right about b/c ha.?
So everybody is always like if you stop taking your pills or miss mre then three pills you can get pregnant. buuuut then they say that, that will cause you to start your period.. so i missed three pills and had sex on the third day and had light spotting so how could i get pregnant? ha ya..
Whats your favorite MRE meal?
Mine is the Cheese and Veggie Omelet.. OH GOD JK. I don't really have a favorite but I guess the Beef ravioli is decent.
What race are most Wiccan and warlocks and why?
All of the Wiccans i know are white, but I know some practitioners of other pagan faiths that are black, asian, etc. And don't call pagans warlocks, because it comes from the term 'waer loch' or oathbreaker. Calling a pagan a warlock is basically calling them a liar.
Its my parents 25th anniversary.and i wana make that whole week special.different art ideas required.plz help?
money is nobar.since i am a designing student,i want sumthng different way.want mre of emotional attachment ideas rather dn trips and all.
How to upload my web site from a search engine?
You have to manually submit your website to all the search engines. I am putting the links in resource box for the main 3 search engines goggle yahoo and bing. Follow the link and submit your website and soon it will be showing in search engines.
Am i able to customize my guitar?
I have a B.C. Rich Warlock One. It has one pick, am i able to get someone professional to cut into the body and put in a second pick up? also, am i able to do the same, but with a whammy and a floyd rose? if so, are there any draw backs i should know about??
Ttc...weird cyles, what is happening?
My husband and i have been ttc for 4 months now. Lst mnth we decided to just let nature takes it course, bt my lst 3 cycles have been very irregular. The first ws on time bt very drk, the second one 6 days late and very bright almost orange, it strtd off lite then to medium flow (sorry for tmi) this cycle is now 3 days late i usually have a normal 28 day cycle, my question is should i start expecting my period around day 34 like it ws lst mnth or should i be worried about mre serious issues. I havent takn a preg test because i knw it will be negative. I have been cramping like it is coming on, same as lst mnth. Im just so confused, i wonder why now tht i wnt a baby so badly my cycles are beggining to become irregular. Any ideas on wht may be going on... Baby dust to all...
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Can i delete a premade World of Warcraft character so i can download another one?
i maxed out on the amount of characters i can download, and i want to know if i can delete one to download another. i have a dk, warlock, mage, and a hunter, and i wanted to delete the dk so i could download a warrior. if i delete it, will i be allowed to download 1 more, seeing i will still have 4? or do i have to wait for them to reset the count?
Could the kitten food make that much of a difference?
You don't say what food your mother has been giving her kitten? Yes, a good quality kitten food can make a big difference but Hills is by no means the only good food out there. I would say that 2kg is larger than I would expect an 11 week old kitten to be though, so be careful you aren't over-feeding! When you visit your vets for the kittens vaccinations, discuss with them and they will be happy to advise on corrrect amounts to feed and will let you know if your kitten is a bit too tubby!
Why is this girl mean to me?
I sit beside a girl in class and i dont kno why she acts like this. She talks to her friends infront of me on another side of the class. She used me as an example once and was like imagine him driving while talking to her friend. I was in her way while she was talking to her friend and she was like move cant u see where talking. She sometimes talks to me. Also she helps me alot like does me favours and is nice to me and she smiles while talking to me. �Ill catch her looking in my direction and she quickly glanced away. When we left class i caught her looking back at mre. However one day she was mad cus i was gona copy her work and she moved away and said now you have to do it yourself but the next day she was talking to me. My plan is to bully her and make her life hell cus she deserves it or she"ll just keep hurting other people. This will teach her a very harsh lesson..
When roasting beef what are some vegetables would be good?
My family loves oven roasted vegetables cooked with the meat. Potatoes, parsnips, carrots, turnips, onions or any kind of root vegetables.
I have pain under my jaw, the right side of my neck?
i know i have a hole in my tooth at the very back, because i went to my dentist and i need to go back for fillings. so maybe this could be causing it? tho my tooth isnt hurting yet. but i have a very sore area just under my jaw on the right side of my neck, it isnt swollen but hurts to touch. its been like ths since my dentist appointment last week. im woried incase it isnt to do with my teeth and something mre serious. anyone any idea on what is wrong?
Why does this girl do this?
Screw her she can get lost just ignore the brat and say waeva and yh ok who cares bout her shes a spoild brat
What's happening with our economy? Someone enlight a 15 year old!?
So,I asked my dad yesterday what's happened to or economy, or mre like, what happened to get it this way? I'm curious and I want to kno the possble fctors. This is weird lol, but I'm genuinely curious and idk, maybe, I'll understand more and maybe help? Thanks and I look forward to reading your answers!
DINNER EMERGENCY!!! Please Help Me fast!!!! SOS?
Ok me and my husband are staying at my Father in laws house, and he bought this beef cut called sirloin tip. They are at work right now and want me to cook this thing tonight! I need a means of cooking it! i Still have plenty of time but have very limited supplies! I am at his house and he tends not to cook so ya very limited. I need something simple yet pretty yummy you know? Please oh Please help I don't know what to make with this!
My husbands ex wife dnt use da maintenance money for da kid then she wants mre frm hm wot cn we do about that ?
He should only pay the amount ordered by the court. Believe me most child support payments do not even come close to being half of the cost of rearing a child.
If you are a vegitarian can you still eat broth.?
i am a new vegitarian and i love ramen noodles so are still allowed to have like chicken broth and beef broth that comes with it.
I bought a guitar on eBay?
Well actually my mom bought it but anyways it is a B.C. Rich Warlock Bronze Edition with a hard guitar case for $169 plus $9.99 shipping. Is this too good to be true? Are they cheating me out of something? Thanks.
Am I eating too little? am I getting enough nutrients?
I think your breakfast and dinner habits are just fine, but you should eat a little more than just fruit for lunch. And if you think you exercise a lot and aren't getting enough to fuel yourself, they have powders and such you can put in water to boost your nutrients
What website is safest to buy WoW accounts?
I'm looking for some tips because I'm trying to get a warlock decently cheap bu not be screwed over at the same time! Any suggestions on what website to go to and what tips I should know while buying?
Is this a good yu gi oh traditional spellcaster deck?
1st of all, if you are wanting to go to tourneys, take out Heavy Storm, Premature Burial, Change of Heart, and Pot of Greed (they are BANNED). 2nd, I'd add another Dark Magician Girl and 2 more Magician's Valkyria. 3rd, take out the cards that don't do anything to help your deck.
What's happening with our economy? Someone enlight a 15 year old!?
So,I asked my dad yesterday what's happened to or economy, or mre like, what happened to get it this way? I'm curious and I want to kno the possble fctors. This is weird lol, but I'm genuinely curious and idk, maybe, I'll understand more and maybe help? Thanks and I look forward to reading your answers!
Pink ground beef always bad?
My friend likes to cook her ground beef in a steamer when she makes tacos and stuff, but is that safe because the meat looks kinda pinkish brown?
Would a B/C Rich Warlock be a good bass for a Thrash Metal Bassist?
im looking to pick up bass and me and a few friends are gonna start a band. would a bc rich warlock due?
Will any 1 go out with me?
well i had this bf but he used me and it didnt last for mre then 2 weeks so tht wasent a real relationship but to be honest i neva had a real i meen real bf or a seurzs relationship before so i dnt no wot it feels like :(
3 questions in one!!! i Really Need Help!!?
He's probably crushing on you ;P. If you don't like being told what to do then how do you expect to get a good job to help out? Try asking around maybe work in a food store? Or find a store in the mall and ask them if they're hiring.
Books to read this summer?:(?
If you like really good climaxes and don't mind an otherwise slightly boring read, read 'Goose Girl' by Shannon Hale. Or any Shannon Hale book for that matter.
What is the name of that book?
What is the name of that book you used to have to read in high school or middle school? Its about two local gangs one had really greasy hair the other one really nice hair, and they would beef against there territory. Really want to find this book and read it again, but I need some help?
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Tasty Slow Cooker Recipes?
I am looking for a really tasty slow cooker recipe. I have some friends coming over and I couldn't be bothered to cook at the last minute so thought i'd stick the cooker on. So far i've tried curry and those meal bases from the supermarket which weren't that great and i've tried a beef in flower with veg which was okay and a sweet and sour pork with cranberry which was awesome. What are your tastiest slow cooker recipes?? TIA!!
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